Wednesday, February 08, 2006


Today, I took a photo of my friend's crush (with all his knowledge). Most of you might think that I must have engaged myself in humiliation. But I didn't feel that. Not even a bit.

A friend of mine told me before that when you feel the sudden rush that makes you want to do something you fear, go for it. Your purpose comes together with your actions in motion. All I wanted was to see my friend happy for her to never forget about me. So what's wrong taking a picture of her dream boy?

Brainless? Stupid? Dense? No way. I love foolish things. They pour out reason and let you move forward to keep things in your memory which you will never forget in your entire life. They are cherished no matter what. They continue to live even if you choose to regret them most of the time.

As long as you don't cause a wound to(offend) anyone, you are sincere to your own self and the world is constantly faithful to you.

I am a big fan of beauty whether it may be something physical or the inner part. I'm grateful that God made each person something he must show the world to inspire others on each day of their lives. When I'm physically attracted to someone, I let the person know. If someone is gifted, I pay praise. And I have a thing about a nice person.

Self-satisfied and proud people are dust on my eyes. They go far only on their eyes as they fail to see the world that starts to send them away.

It is a risky thing to do and I needed to swipe it away today. I'm contented on the top of my lungs. I get the better of "I do this because it's the right thing to do" attitude and made a promise to look for own character.

Currently, I'm an unresponsive ass to someone. I don't free myself from being connected once again. New people can want me to live through their shadows. By really knowing who I am can never be an adequate amount. I showed interest and fondness to one person but (to you----you know who you are), don't ever think to revive what I've started to before.


Anonymous said...

Ika nga ng Nike "Just do it!"

People should know what they want and do whatever it takes to get it. Unless of course, they're obsessed and they just want to stalk their crushes or whatever for the rest of their lives. ^^,

Yey! I applaud you for being so brave.

Wait...kilala ko ba yung na-picturan mo? Hahaha...o_O

Anonymous said...

Your adrenaline rush pushed you to do it that time. I don't think it's stupid because it's not wrong to take a picture of someone's crush. You go girl! You have your own way of doing things and I think everyone should love you for the way you are.


Anonymous said...

awww.... make my tears fall!='( thanks for that! i really appreciate what you did...