Wednesday, March 08, 2006

THE L Word

It is grateful to see that somehow, the world is finally unwrapped to put on view the lives of queer people.

Our professor in sociology asked us to watch Brokeback Mountain and pass a movie analysis as part of our requirements. . The film is about two cowboys falling in love with each other. Yes, queer as it sounds. But, if I were to choose what story is to be assessed, I would go for the tv series The L Word.

I think two women look good together. It is a new approach on female's homosexuality. I watched the first episode of The L Word's season 1 and it brought real lives to the screen.

Considering the fact that your actions do not fit the mannerisms of stereotypes, this does not mean that you are not gay.

Gay and straight exist although a lot of people are somewhere in the middle. For me, the best thing to do is to find the real voice from the inner part of the soul if you are gay.

The term bisexual (same sex and opposite sex) is for people who would prefer to wait for further examination. And in the end,

choose from two options: straight or lesbian.

Labels are not important after all. To pursue happiness does not depend on the sex of the person you are with.

It is an excellent opportunity to know who you are. Honesty can bring you happiness. Love wipes away differences.

Damien Rice "Cannonball" Still a little bit of your ghost your witness Still a little bit of your face I haven't kissed You step a little closer each day Still I can't say what's going on Stones taught me to fly Love taught me to lie Life taught me to die So it's not hard to fall When you float like a cannonball... 'Cause it's not hard to fall And I don't wanna scare her It's not hard to fall And I don't wanna lose It's not hard to grow When you know that you just don't know...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am not against homosexuals or bisexuals because at the end of the day it's their feelings that matters the most. Not the labels of being gay and all. :)